3601 W Algonquin Rd Suite #985, Rolling Meadows, IL 60008



Auto Insurance

Covering yourself in the event of a crash, natural disaster, and vandalism is very important. With auto insurance we’re not only covering you, we’re also covering the unknown. Auto accidents occur everyday especially with distracted driving. Protecting yourself from uninsured motorist is also important to assure your covered fully for someone else’s negligence. With personalize policies, we can assure you the best coverage at the lowest price.

(847) 483-8655

Trucking Insurance

There’s no doubt truckers are what keeps our economy booming. Studies have shown many commercial truck companies are overpaying. We have worked with many large fleet commercial vehicle companies to insure their trucks, cargo, and drivers in the event of a collision, cargo claim, or driver injury. Trucking insurance is very important to cover not only the cargo, but the semi-truck, trailer, and motorists or people around the truck.

(847) 483-8655

Motorcycle Insurance

If driving with other distracted drivers isn’t bad enough, imagine riding a motorcycle where you have no protection but the gear you’re wearing. In a world full of distracted drivers, it’s extremely important to be covered in the event of a collision, or going down. Often they say there are two types of riders, those that have gone down, and those that are going to go down. Our policies look at a variety of factor to assure you’re covered for every scenario. From comprehensive, uninsured, underinsured, theft, medical, and so much more. Riding a motorcycle is no joke especially when you have to make split second life or death situations.

(847) 483-8655

Commercial Insurance

Commercial insurance is often the most undervalued insurance. Having commercial liability insurance can cover your business in the event of a liability claim. These can include theft, floods, fires, personal injury, building structure, medical bills, injuries, lawsuits, trade secrets, negligent employees, rental insurance, and so much more. Having liability insurance protects your business and its assets in the event of a claim.

(847) 483-8655

Our Best Services

24x7 Support

Around the clock service and support, leaving no one uninsured.

Best Rates Guaranteed

Ensuring you the best rate and the best policy coverage for your needs.

Easy Claim System

Claims can be made online or by phone, saving you time.

Online Account

Online portal system to retrieve insurance certificates.

Liability Insurance

Custom liability insurance covering you and your assets.

Free Quotes

Free quotes and backend support tailored to you.

Commercial Policies

Commercial policies tailored to your needs.

Personal Policies

Custom tailored personal policies for life, auto, and home.